Forum of Confederated Korean Canadian Women’s Association
2019.12.17 15:02
Date Dec. 6th 7th 8th. 2019
Place 10541-King George Blvd Surrey, BC
6501 Deer Lake Ave. Burnaby , BC
Members of Edmonton Korean Canadian Women’s Association, Calgary Korean Women’s Association , Victoria Korean Canadian Women’s Association, Vancouver Korean women’s Society .
Happiness of Volunteering By Shinock Han from Edmonton.
Organic food and Healthy Women By Sngsook Lee from Vancouver
Finance of women. By kwangick Suk from Vancouver Sharon Credit Union
Discuss and report of each society’s Volunteer work by presidents from each city, Myungsoon Chae, Kyungsook Kim, Hyunja yu, Insoon Lee
중요 강사
행복한 봉사. ㅡㅡ노신옥 에드몬톤
건강식품과 여성 ㅡㅡㅡㅡ이승숙 벤쿠버.
여성과 경제 ㅡㅡㅡㅡ 석광익 한인 신용 조합 전무 벤쿠버
우명순 에드몬톤 , 김경숙 칼가리 , 유현자 빅토리아, 이인순 벤쿠버 회장
에드몬톤 참석자. 우명순회장 노신옥 이사장 초대 총련회장 , 홍모니카이사